Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

You are...


Walking with You is never end
When all the troubles surround me
I'll keep my feet standing for You

Praising You is have no end
With all my life and all my soul
I'll keep singing to You alone

Cause You are my God
You are my song
I always sing

You are my tower
You are my hope
You are the strength
I'll keep forever in my life

"...a new song from me to Him. After a few months I didn't write a new song, today i try to write again as a praise for His kindness and greatness in my life..."

Listen the song on this video, i hope you'll enjoy it...

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Weleh, rekam pake Mac yah? Gw bawa di PD blh gak bwt persembahan? Hahahaha, natni gw dtuduh membajak hasil kreatif org lain. :) Hope I'll see you in Spore. Makin cupu aj tampang lu, kayak frater Anton, tapi makin berasa kerendahan hati lu dari lagu itu. GBU!!!

Oka mengatakan...

Alo Leo
finally I found your blog :) hahaha. wonderful song! can share this link with others, pleaseee